Would you like a mint?
0 Comments Published by Nincompoopery has ensued on Saturday, November 04, 2006 at 3:14 PM.
I appreciate being appreciated. Nothing tells me I'm appreciated like recieving a complimentary mint from a restaurant. My favorite fast food restaurant is Sonic© because of this. A lot of restaurants have a basket of mints sitting out for consumption but Sonic© takes it one step further by actually handing mints to their patrons. To me this says, "We'll see you later." They don't NEED to see me but they sure would like to. Sonic©, I am a big fan of what you are doing. And I will let you know that you will definitely be seeing me soon.
In case you were wondering, I only posted this blog so I could use the © symbol.
In case you were wondering, I only posted this blog so I could use the © symbol.
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