Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

A Shelter from the Storm

Today was a very rainy day. I love the rain because it always makes me want to read and/or listen to music. As I was walking through the Great Hall I was listening to my ipod. I had just finished taking a test for my speech class and was on my way back to the dorms. Directly in the middle of the floor of the Great Hall "tower" was a mop bucket and a wet floor sign. The mop bucket was catching drops of rain water and I could hear them as they hit the bottom. I was listening to a live version of "This is our God" featuring Chris Tomlin and David Crowder. As I neared the bucket I realized that the drip of water was perfectly on beat with my music. It was one of the most ::grabs thesaurus:: majestic things ever. I am a dork, I know. But, I know that from this day forward "This is our God" will always be associated with the rain in my mind. Or, more accurately, the rain will always remind me of who my God really is: A God who makes music out of rain water.

"The refuge for the poor, a shelter from the storm, This is our God"

1 Responses to “A Shelter from the Storm”

  1. # Blogger Kristi Tokko

    That was so awesome about the rain drops being in time with the music! (Excellent choice of music, by the way.) I love it when things like that happen. Have a great day and happy blogging!  

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