Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

Don't panic

I just watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again. I love this movie so much. It's so smart, funny, and even heart-warming. I sound really cheesy right now. It's probably because the time is almost two in the morning. If you haven't seen HGG you need to. I also highly recommend reading the book first. It's even funnier. I really hope they make a film for The Restaurant At the End of The Universe and so on.
P.S. British films are much funnier than American films. It's a scientific fact.

2 Responses to “”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

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  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    true, but they cover a bunch of different gags from other books in the series that a second one wouldn't be as funny. Though can always make a "The Salmon of Doubt" movie since it's the newest one and probably has not been covered.  

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