Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

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Well, I'm here in Missouri. And it is hot...humid...whatever. This trip was awesome. I am a big fan of road trips anyway but especially when there are no complications. Basically, road trips are a great excuse to listen to music for 10 hours straight. The best way to describe this journey is surreal. I drove my '86 Volvo most of the way here while my parents drove their Toyota Camry. At one point my Dad and I switched vehicles. There is something strange about seeing your own car pass you on the highway. I can't remember ever seeing the tail lights of that car fade into the distance.

There are so many billboards on the side of the highway in Missouri. And some of them are hilarious. It's one thing to see an adult bookstore billboard but to see one immediately followed by a Cracker Barrel billboard is priceless.

When we first started driving into St. Louis I saw a car with personalized license plates that said "NAWTY-K". That is funny in and of itself but as I passed this vehicle I noticed handcuffs hanging from the rearview mirror. I don't even want to know what that person does for a living ::shivers::

I am so anxious to get my dorm situated and start my R.A. training.

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