Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

The first week of college felt like sumer camp. Allow me to explain: I'm staying in a strange place that sort of smells funky. I ate food in a cafeteria at designated times. If you want to eat before or after these designated times then you're just out of luck. The food is not very healthy at all and I definitely wouldn't want to eat it for more than a week. I met a bunch of new friends in a short period of time and I kept thinking that I wouldn't be seeing them by this week because I'd be on my way home. I've had a blast with all these people so far. And I'm sure it'll continue. I'm hoping to find a church sometime soon. I had duty last weekend so I couldn't go to church. And this week I'm going out of town so that means I won't be going till the week after. I think I'm going to check out the Journey here in St. Louis because I've heard that it's pretty sweet. Wish me luck.

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