Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

I overheard two people debating the existence of God tonight. The man who was arguing on the "anti-God" side used this as one of his reasons why God didn't exist: "You can't 'hear' God". This got me thinking and I realized that I had never actually "heard" God either. The question is, "Is that a good reason to believe that God doesn't exist?" and the answer is "No."

God is like our heavenly pen pal. Allow me to explain: Many people have pen pals that they have never met in person due to distance or whatever else. Yet, they believe that this person exists. The letters recieved are proof of this person's existence. So, our letters from God are His word along with how He touches our hearts. Instead of a state or an ocean separating us from God it is our sin that is the barrier. We've lost contact with Him in that sense but we keep holding on and hoping for that day when we will meet Him face to face.

So, basically, if you believe that never hearing someone is proof that they don't exist then you'd better use that logic when it comes to your pen pal. I don't know how theologically correct this idea is but it makes sense to me. Much love---Ben

1 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger yalcnot

    I have never really thought of it like that before but it makes sense to me too. I should probably start being a little more frequent with my messages to my Penpal.  

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