Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it


It's almost time for school to start up again and I have had a terrific time over break. I have learned a lot of things during my time off. Here they are in no specific order:

1. All breaks seem shorter than they should be.

2. I love and miss my family and friends very much.

3. Seeing the sun set over the Rocky Mountains doesn't seem nearly as beautiful when you are watching it through a rear view mirror.

4. I enjoy lists.

5. Death isn't all that scary if you really think about it.

6. Jesus isn't the reason I get a break from school in December. It's Santa. That makes me sad.

7. If you stay stopped at a traffic light at 1:12 in the morning for an extended period of time, there is no one around to care.

8. Sigur Rós can make even the most mundane moment beautiful.

9. Boredom is easily cured by a good book.

10. There are some amazing beards out there.

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