Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

Writer's Block

Last night I dreamt that I was in a David Fincher film. It was amazing. I think this dream must have stemmed from my recent desire to write a book. And the stories that are told in his movies contain some really incredible storytelling. I have been trying to think of a good story that I might like to write and I can't decide what sort of book I want it to be. I am leaning towards more of a drama set in recent times. I just don't have any idea what will make it special. I think I just might start writing some short stories and see what comes out. Any suggestions?

1 Responses to “Writer's Block”

  1. # Blogger Kristi Tokko

    You could make some kind of Stephen King or Alfred Hitchcock move in your story that will really throw your audience for a loop... Hmm, drama... These days, it seems like it's got to be "out there" to be special (think Heroes or Lost), so you could go against the grain and incorporate a little old school to give it some extra flavor... Actual storylnes--not coming to mind. Good luck with that!  

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