Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

Black Friday

So, last week was Thanksgiving break and if I said that I slept in every morning, I would be lying. Yes, I did get much more sleep than needed on several days. But, when it came to Black Friday I was up and ready to go at 4:15 in the morning. I went shopping with my sister-in-law, Carrie, partly because no one else wanted to get up that early and partly because there were several deals that I did not want to pass up. I then found myself not even able to wake up in time for work at 8 AM the following Monday. I started wondering what made this task so much harder than the former.

I came to this conclusion: my workplace did not have Walk the Line on sale for $5.88 like Wal-Mart did.

1 Responses to “Black Friday”

  1. # Blogger Lisa Hessel

    you should help me customize my blog like this.  

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