Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing either

but I'm working on it

"So long," to the love of my life

It's hard to say goodbye to one of your closest friends. Especially someone who has always been there for you and for so long. A couple of weeks ago I had to say goodbye to Bertha. She had a good run but it was time to let her go. It had gotten to the point that she would overheat within five minutes of starting her up. So, with 235,000 miles to her name, I sent her on her way. The people at Habitat for Humanity have a car donation program and they towed her for free. I loved her very much and I thought it fitting that I use this opportunity to remember her.

She's always watched over me.

Isn't she beautiful?

I've taken many girls on dates with
her but none nearly as cool as this girl.

Bertha, you will always be remembered.

1 Responses to “"So long," to the love of my life”

  1. # Blogger Lisa Hessel


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